Every day, Alix, Sasha, Lou, and Noa meet in a pink play square to share vibrant stories. Sometimes, an external event changes their daily routine a bit: a plane flies overhead, it starts to rain... Nothing too disturbing until they receive some terrible news: pink is for girls.

In this dance-theater proposition for the whole family, the creators draw on the raw universe of childhood to address issues of gender and diversity. Drawing a unicorn. Fighting. Getting dirty by jumping in puddles. What is only for boys? For girls? Who decides that? Between tragedy and comedy, this new creation by Érika Tremblay-Roy and Christophe Garcia immerses the audience into sometimes funny, sometimes absurd, sometimes confusing or even troubling world. The words, in symbiosis with the performers' movements, the set tricks, the lighting and costumed design, everything on stage prompts reflection on openness to difference, on tolerance, on the importance we - rightly or wrongly - give the gaze of others, and the challenge of remaining ourselves in the face of this external gaze.

Playwright Érika Tremblay-Roy Choreography Christophe Garcia Direction Christophe Garcia and Érika Tremblay-Roy Assistant to direction and choreography Julie Compans Music Jakub Trzepizur Lighting design and technical direction in Quebec Andréanne Deschênes Set design Julia Morlot Costume design Pascale Guené Technical direction Bruno Brevet Stage management in France Marie Bucher or Simon Rutten
Quebec distribution Marc-André Poliquin, Olivier Rousseau, 2 Quebec performers to be confirmed
European distribution Idir Chatar, Nina Morgane Madelaine, Quentin Moriot, Alexandre Tondolo
Photos Jean-Charles Verchère (portrait of Christophe Garcia and performance photos), Marianne Deschênes (portrait of Érika Tremblay-Roy)
Publication of the original text Lansman Éditeur, Lansman Jeunesse collection (French), Babel on Stage collection (English)
Partners in France DRAC Pays-de-la-Loire, Institut français, Région Pays-de-la-Loire, Conseil Départemental du Maine-et-Loire, Conseil Départemental des Bouches-du-Rhône, Région SUD (Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur), Ville de Marseille, Ville d'Angers, Ville de Baugé-en-Anjou, Communauté de Communes du Pays d'Ancenis (COMPA), OFQJ - Office Franco-Québécois pour la jeunesse, KLAP / Maison pour la danse à Marseille, Centre National de Danse Contemporaine d’Angers Partners in Quebec Conseil des Arts et des Lettres du Québec , Conseil des Arts du Canada, Ville de Sherbrooke, Ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec