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artificial intelligence use policy

At CAPAS • Dance Label, we acknowledge the growing importance of artificial intelligence (AI) in many fields, including dance and arts in general. This policy aims to provide a framework for the use of AI within our label to ensure responsible, ethical and beneficial adoption of this technology.


  • optimize operations management: Integrate AI to improve the efficiency of our day-to-day operations. This includes automating repetitive tasks, managing schedules and optimizing resources.

  • Respect ethics and confidentiality: Guarantee that the use of AI respects ethical standards and protects data confidentiality. It is crucial that all uses of AI are transparent and respectful of individual rights.


CAPAS application of ia

  • automation of administrative tasks: Use AI to automate drafting, budget management and accounting.

  • market identification: Use AI tools to analyze market trends and identify international distribution opportunities.

  • segmentation and targeting: Analyze viewer data to effectively segment the market and target marketing campaigns more precisely.

  • assisted negotiation: Deploy AI systems to optimize negotiations and touring agreements.

  • cultural mediation: Create personalized cultural mediation programs using AI, based on participants' interests and needs.

  • production coordination: Use AI platforms to manage and coordinate the various stages of production, including resource management and logistics.

  • event planning : Optimize the organization of cultural events by using AI to plan and coordinate the various activities.

  • content creation: Use AI tools to generate images, promotional videos and websites.

  • communication data analysis: Use AI to analyze the effectiveness of digital communication campaigns and adjust strategies accordingly.


ethical principles

  • open communication: Inform all stakeholders of the use of AI in our processes and operations. 

  • clarity on capabilities and limitations: Clearly explain what AI systems can and cannot do, avoiding any misunderstandings or false expectations.

data confidentiality and security 

  • data protection: Ensure that all data collected and used by AI systems is protected in accordance with current regulations.

  • system security: implement robust security measures to prevent unauthorized access to systems and data.


  • human supervision: Ensure that AI systems are always supervised by humans, guaranteeing that AI complements rather than replaces human decisions.

  • bias avoidance: Actively work to identify and eliminate bias in algorithms to ensure fair and non-discriminatory use of AI.



  • equitable access: Ensure that AI is accessible to all employees, regardless of their level of technological competence.

  • diversity and representativeness: Promote diversity and representativeness in the development and use of AI systems.


training and awareness 

  • training programs: Offer regular AI training programs for employees, covering both technical and ethical aspects.

  • workshops: Organize workshops to discuss the latest advances in AI and their implications for our organization and - by extension - the cultural sector.


monitoring and evaluation 

  • regular reviews: Carry out regular reviews of this policy to ensure that it remains relevant in the face of technological and regulatory developments.

Artificial intelligence offers many opportunities for CAPAS. By adopting a responsible and ethical approach, we can leverage this technology to enrich our art and improve our efficiency, while respecting our organization's core values. Our commitment is to ensure that AI is used in a way that respects and enhances our artistic heritage, while embracing the technological innovations that are shaping the future.

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