Destins Croisés
Lien(s) unveils an abstract and organic universe, where cycles are transformed into a sensory and physical experience.

Ismaël Mouaraki composes a variable space, linear and visual, that brings the singularity of each individual to life in a luminescent huis clos where everything is asserted, as illustrated by the links between each body. Sublimated by a digital scenography, Lien(s) opens up new choreographic horizons, a neon trance with fluid, magnetic textures.

Archived show
why program this show?
Not available for tour
Choreographer Ismaël Mouaraki in collaboration with the performers in creation Dancers Joe Danny Aurélien, Audrey Bergeron, Félix Cossette, José Flores, Geneviève Gagné Dancers during creation Joe Danny Aurélien, Geneviève Boulet, Jossua Collin, Félix Cossette, Geneviève Gagné Direction of rehearsals and artistic advice Annie Gagnon Set design Marilène Bastien Musical design Antoine Berthiaume Lighting design Paul Chambers Lighting direction Olivier Chopinet Costume design Angela Rassenti Production Destins Croisés Co-production LeGueulard Plus (France) Photos Le Foutoir
Partners Agora de la danse, Georges Vanier Cultural Center, Maison de la culture Mercier, Le Triangle, Maison de la culture Frontenac